About BRG
We are Bay Riders Group.
For us, motorcycle riding is a crucial and daily part of our lives. We realize that riding is dangerous, but there are steps you can take in order to be a safe rider. By spending time with an experienced trainer, in a controlled environment, you are taking one of those steps that can lead to a safe and fun time on the road.
Experience, support and reinforcement are what will take you from first gear to riding on the streets. At Bay Riders Group, we customize each lesson to the rider’s needs. After each lesson, we take time to discuss your progress, what it was that you did well and what you need to work on. This individuality with our riders gives us a direct advantage over group oriented courses.
At Bay Riders Group we have a passion for motorcycling and love passing our knowledge about how to ride safely onto our students. When you take a lesson with us, the caring doesn’t end when the lesson does. Bay Rider’s Group strives to stay in touch with all of our students as well as hearing their success stories. We welcome any and all feedback related to your experience with us!
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